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Apple iPhone 7 Battery Warranty: What You Need to Know? Are you an avid Apple iPhone user who is contemplating purchasing an iPhone 7? If so, you may be curious about the battery warranty that comes with it. In this blog post, we will discuss some important details about the iPhone 7 battery warranty that you should be aware of before making your purchase. 1. Apple iPhone 7 Battery - The Basics The battery lifespan of the iPhone 7 is estimated to be around 500 charge cycles. This means that you can charge your phone about once a day for approximately 1.5 years before the battery starts to degrade. However, this is just an estimate, and your battery may begin to degrade sooner, depending on how often you charge it. Apple offers a one-year limited warranty for all products, including the iPhone 7. This warranty covers any manufacturing defects in the battery, but it does not cover any damage caused by the user. Additionally, Apple provides a 90-day warranty for any parts or accessories that come with the iPhone 7. 2. Apple iPhone 7 Battery - The Replacement Options If your iPhone 7 battery is no longer holding a charge, you may be in luck. Apple offers a battery replacement program for all iPhone models, including the iPhone 7. If your phone is still under warranty, the battery replacement will be free of charge. If it is not under warranty, a replacement battery costs $49 plus tax. Another option for replacing your iPhone 7 battery is to go to an authorized Apple service provider. They will typically charge more than Apple for the battery replacement, but they may be able to replace other parts of your phone, such as the screen or the charging port, at the same time. 3. Apple iPhone 7 Battery - The Maintenance Tips To extend the battery life of your iPhone 7, there are several things you can do. First, you can turn off features like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and location services when you are not using them. You can also adjust the brightness of your screen to a lower setting to save power. Another way to conserve your battery is to disable background app refresh. This feature allows apps to update even when you are not using them, which can use up a significant amount of power. You can turn off background app refresh by going to Settings > General > Background App Refresh and turning it off. In conclusion, the iPhone 7 battery has a lifespan of around 500 charge cycles and comes with a one-year limited warranty from Apple. If your battery needs to be replaced, you can either take it to an authorized Apple service provider or replace it yourself. Additionally, there are several maintenance tips you can follow to extend the life of your battery. By following these tips and taking advantage of the warranty and replacement options, you can ensure that your iPhone 7 battery lasts as long as possible.


标签: 苹果7
